Buy & Sell – Engine and Transmission
The world over, our customers in the rebuilding industry rely on Grant Iron and Motor engine and transmission cores. Over the past fifty years, our customers have relied on Grant for premier rebuildable engine and transmission cores, in addition to a full line of component parts.
To give you an idea of the scope of services available at Grant Iron and Motor, we process more than 200 engine blocks every day. We also have more than 20,000 blocks ready to ship at any given time, stored in our St. Louis warehouse and ready to ship anywhere.
We buy and sell
We are always buying, always selling:
Complete engine assemblies
Engine blocks
Cylinder heads
Transmission parts
Torque converter cores
The Transmission Department alone processes hundreds of transmissions every day, with an inventory of 15,000 whole units.
All engines are cleaned of accessories, inspected, and identified.
Packaging and shipping
Parts can be sorted and packaged according to your specifications, and our Shipping Department rapidly dispatches orders by rail, common carrier, and our own fleet of trucks.
Contact us
If you have items to sell or have questions about items you would like to purchase, or if would like to make special arrangements with our Customer Service Department, contact us, and we’ll see how we can help.